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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Florence + The Machine @ Terminal 5 NY, 4/9/10

Well, needless to say if you have read my blog before you know where this is going but I saw Florence + The Machine for the second time on Friday, and I was absolutely blown away yet again. Flo never ceases to amaze me with how easily her incredible voice just seems to come our of her... she is ridiculously talented and has such a stage presence that, I must say, has improved a lot since October. She has become much more dynamic with her audience and seems to absolutely hold nothing back when she performs; that, and the combination of the incredible stage aesthetics (lighting, floral decor, and her signature wallpaperesque backdrop) and her amazing outfit made for one unbelievable experience. I am so lucky that I get to see her again next week at Coachella, she is easily in my top 5 favorite musicians of all time and, in my opinion, endlessly inspiring. Here are some of my pictures from the show:

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