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Friday, August 26, 2011

You Are All I.... Want To Listen To

Pat Grossi aka Active Child has been impressing the vast majority of the music blog scene since he put out his first outstanding EP back in 2010. However, this week's release of his debut album, You Are All I See, has placed him so far above his peers in terms of innovation and production skill that it's hard to find words to accurately explain his genius. This album is a mastermind, through and through. Rarely (never) do I find guys singing in falsetto to be attractive, but he pulls it off so well. And how many guys do you know that can play the HARP and can pull that off tool? Mix that in with gorgeous harmonies layered over really interesting beats, and you know what it sounds like to go to heaven in 2011; I would be alright with dying if it meant that heaven sounded like this. My absolute favorite is the title track, "You Are All I See," which has this awesome wall-of-sound effect, and is best if listened to loud and with your eyes closed. "Hanging On," "Johnny Belinda," and "Shield & Sword" are also extraordinary. I guess my only complaint would be the track "Call Me Tonight," as it's a bit too La Roux-y and doesn't quite fit with the rest of the album. Minor setback, but rather insignificant when looking at Grossi's work as a whole. Learn to love Active Child as much as I do, because if not you are sorely missing out. And Pat, if you're single, I'm coming for you. Listen to "You Are All I See" and "Johnny Belinda" below:

Active Child- "You Are All I See"

Active Child- "Johnny Belinda"

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