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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mumford & Sons: "England" (The National cover)

When I went on to Stereogum earlier today and saw "Mumford & Sons covers The National," my first thought was that if it was a cover of "England," I would have a stroke. Sure enough, it was a indie folk rock dream come true. No stroke occured, but I was dangerously close. For those of you who are true Mumford fans, you know they do a mean cover of Vampire Weekend's "Cousins" and are pretty well respected as a band who can, dare I say it, one-up original works by other groups with their folkrock Mumfordy renditions. "England" is by far one of my favorites by The National, so naturally this melted me into pieces. Watch them perform it live on VH1 Unplugged below:

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