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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Metric @ The Webster Theatre in Hartford, November 18th

I went to see Metric a week ago in Hartford, and was honestly blown away by Emily Haines and how good Metric is live. They played a lot of old songs, which I thought was great and so much fun to sing along with, but I really love their new album, Fantasies, and loved hearing songs like Help I'm Alive and Gold Guns Girls live. The band, especially Emily, sustained an incredible amount of energy and were very dynamic with the crowd; I was very impressed. I was disappointed they didn't perform Blindness, one of my favorite tracks off of the new album, but I definitely had no complaints. The opening act, Band of Skulls, was not too impressive in my opinion, all of their stuff sounded similar and they were pretty dull. But hey, what do I know. They're featured in the latest SPIN magazine so we'll see how they progress as a band. If you get a chance to go to one of their shows on this tour I wouldn't pass it up!

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