Blood Pressures was released yesterday, and for those of you who aren't familiar with The Kills or my infatuation with them, this is a really big deal. I was sent a copy of the album a little over a week ago so it's newness novelty has worn off a bit for me, but I wanted to wait until the release day to talk about it so that you, the reader, will hopefully BUY it and not download it off of mediafire. I obviously had high hopes for this album, being that both Jaimie Hince and Alison Mosshart have had some time since the release of Midnight Boom in 2008 to get their creative flow back and make this record the best yet. However, I have to say I am quite surprised at the overall feel and versatility of this album's sound; I half expected, since Alison has been the frontwoman for The Dead Weather for the past couple of years, that it would be more dark than it actually is. To my great surprise, songs like "Nail In My Coffin," "Future Starts Slow," and "Baby Says" have both the quintessential Kills edge and a significant focus on melody, something you can't really say about most of their previous work. Maybe it's the fact that they are now ten years older than they were when Keep on Your Mean Side came out, but it's refreshing to me that they've been able to find this in their music and experiment with different genres and styles of writing. Not to say that there aren't a fair share of pretty badass songs; I think I would have been disappointed without the likes of "DNA," "You Don't Own The Road," "Satellite," and "Damned if She Do." Overall, I am so unbelievably impressed with their work, and absolutely can't wait to see them perform live again. If you don't buy Blood Pressures, you will be sorely missing out on what is sure to be one of the top 5 (at least) records of the year. No pressure, though (pun!). Faceculture did a fantastically in-depth interview with my favorite duo, watch part 1 below!
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