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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's About Time.

It has been well over 2 years since The Ting Tings released their debut album, We Started Nothing, and let's be honest I loved their original stuff but if I have to hear "Shut Up and Let Me Go", "Great DJ", or even my favorite track "Keep Your Head" ANYTIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE I will cry. Despite the relatively long gap in this indie pop duo's ability to present their fans with new material, the first single "Hands" off of their new album, Kunst, shows great promise. Katie White and Jules De Martino have been working extremely hard the past 2 years on evolving their sound, writing the album in Paris and recording it in Berlin. Lucky them. This temporary hiatus/ extensive work period, however, has definitely paid off, because as fun as songs like "That's Not My Name" were the first time around, most of the production work could've been and probably was created on Garageband; if "Hands" is any reflection of what Kunst will be like in its entirety, this group has reached quite a respectable level of musical sophistication. Don't quote me on this, but I have heard that White and De Martino have been working with the likes of Jay-Z and Rihanna on their new material, and I'm pretty sure Calvin Harris is responsible for mixing the first single.... if anything, their music will have a completely revamped style and will be taking some interesting risks. I have high hopes for their sophomore album, as I'm sure we all do, and I am willing to bet that they won't disappoint.

Watch the promo video for "Hands" here:

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