Someone has become quite sassy since she released her debut album, Youth Novels, in 2008. I wouldn't say that Swedish native Lykke Li is a stranger to sex or is shy about what she reveals to her audience, but you can't really dance around the rather in-your-face nature of her new song "Get Some" with lyrics like "like the shotgun needs an outcome, I'm your prostitute, you gon get some". Well alright. Anyone who knows me knows I have an affinity for artists who don't mind expressing themselves in a matter-of-fact, somewhat confrontational way (ehem Lily Allen), so needless to say I am a fan of this track. I think the instrumentation and drum beat of this song are also very representative of Lykke Li's incredible energy and stage presence; I can totally see her performing this and I hope that the rest of her new stuff will have a similar vibe. This song is definitely not for everyone, to say the least.... I haven't heard lyrics like this since Lily Allen's "Not Fair". But if you're like me and love people who push the envelope, listen to "Get Some" here: